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Would you gain wisdom from the people of your age or from the older ones? The CLA Department challenges the students to think carefully of their response as they are about to have their takes on such intriguing matters.

Each representative confidently stepped in front of the audience, embracing the weight of their expectations. As they grasped the mic, the room filled with anticipation, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats, breath held, even before the film screening began. Deep hush descended upon the room as the speaker approached the front, his smile urging the listeners to pay close attention. Indeed, they did. The pupils’ undivided focus was sufficient evidence. Their expectations remained constant throughout his speech, and at the very end, he made a strong closing statement that made an effect.

The speaker was in the same age range as the audience, but they were too busy absorbing his insights and admiring the knowledge he possessed โ€” knowledge that most his age hadnโ€™t yet acquired โ€” to feel insecure or dismissive. Now, you might think, โ€œWell, thatโ€™s just at the start; theyโ€™re bound to get bored.โ€ But would you? Would you divert your attention and close your mind when you have the chance to be on the same page as him or her, and be challenged to think critically? As the speakers took the stage, riding the cheers of the audience, the room became so quiet that even the word ‘quiet’ doesnโ€™t fully capture the tranquility that settled over them.

The studentsโ€™ attentiveness was clear evidence of how effective the speakers were, regardless of their ages. It helped that the group was small and the room was secluded, creating an ideal setting. However, no matter where you are, how many people are present, or how many distractions surround you, a truly effective speaker can make you forget all external factors and focus entirely on their words, compelling you not just to listen, but to listen well.


Words by Aaron Manamtam | The Josephinian

Photo by Saimar Joseph Basong | The Josephinian

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