Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, and so the Josephinians gathered at their respective venues, by department, to celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 7:30 am on March 5, 2025.
Today, as we are marked with crosses on our foreheads, we are called to repent, reform, and renew our faith. By repentance, we acknowledge our sinfulness and have a sincere desire to return to God because his mercy and forgiveness is always available, no matter how far we have strayed. True repentance then leads to reformation. In the past, we are deformed by sin, but now we must let go of old sinful habits and reshape our lives according to God’s plan. Now is not just the time to acknowledge our sinfulness, as it is also a time to embrace the hope of renewal, as reformation leads to renewal, a complete restoration of our soul.
“By repenting, reforming, and renewing our faith in Christ, today is the beginning of our salvation.” Msgr. Oscar A. Cadayona said in his homily.
Let this season of Lent be a time of deep reflection and true transformation. As we journey through repentance, reformation, and renewal, may we grow closer to God and embrace the promise of eternal life. May the cross on our foreheads remind us not only of our mortality but also of the hope and salvation found in Christ.