The SJC College of Nursing aspires to become a leader in health care education that is oriented towards the promotion of full human flourishing that is Christ-centered.

The SJC College of Nursing seeks to prepare competent healthcare practitioners in the nursing profession who are skilled, knowledgeable, as well as possessed of a well-formed conscience centered in a Catholic Christian value.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)


                        The BSN is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses are threaded through from the first year thru the fourth year with emphasis on the nursing concepts with the corresponding. Related Learning Experiences (RLE). The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will refine further the nursing competencies to ensure achievement of the BSN program outcomes required of an entry-level nurse.


The BSN program aims to develop a professional nurse who is able to assume entry-level positions in health facilities or community settings. The professional nurse is capable of providing safe, humane, quality and holistic care to individuals in varying age, gender and health-illness status; healthy or at risk families; population groups; and community; singly or in collaboration with other health care providers to promote health, prevent illness, restore health, alleviate suffering and provide end of life care.

Christian FormationSpirituality, Christ CenteredRR
Quality InstructionIntegrityRR
Community ExtensionCompetenceRR
Research and PublicationCompetenceRR

College of Nursing Program Outcomes

                   Program outcomes are sets of competencies (related knowledge, skills, and attitudes)      that all learners are expected to demonstrate upon graduation based on CMO 15 series of 2017.

                The minimum standards for the BS Nursing program are expressed in the following minimum set of program nursing outcomes:

  1.      Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and humanities in the practice of nursing.
  2.      Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community utilizing nursing process.
  3.     Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
  4.     Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
  5.     Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language.
  6.     Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
  7.     Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multidisciplinary and     multi-cultural teams.
  8.     Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a system approach.
  9.     Conduct research with an experienced researcher.
  10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national     and global developments in general, and nursing and health development in particular.
  11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
  12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems
  13. Adopt the nursing core values
  14. Apply entrepreneurial skills
  15. Demonstrate the ability to integrate Christ-like values into every aspect of their nursing practice.

1. Mission and Vision: Statement of the college’s mission, vision, and values

3. Faculty and Staff: Directory of faculty and staff members, including their profiles and contact information

2. Graduate Programs: List of available graduate programs, including program descriptions and curriculum

3. Certificate Programs: List of available certificate programs, including program descriptions and curriculum

4. Continuing Education: Information on continuing education opportunities for nursing professionals


 Specific Requirements for Each Program

SJC Entrance Test (SJCET) Requirement

                BSN-College Admission Test Score: 75%

College of Nursing

A. Admission

To be able to enroll in one of the programs offered by the College of Nursing (CoN), a new enrollee must:

  1. Have no grade below 85% across the subjects in Grade 12 as reflected in his/her Form 138. If a student does not meet this requirement and wishes to enroll in the BSN program, the student is granted a probationary status for one semester provided that he/she obtains a GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) of at least 2.25 or 85% of all the subjects taken.

2. Obtain at least 75% of the scores from the CAT result. If a student is not able to reach the minimum examination result but meets the first requirement and desires to enroll in the BSN program, the student will be on probation for one semester. After the probationary period, the student’s grades will be evaluated obtaining a GPA of at least 2.25.

B. Retention

1. BSN students who are enrolled in the new curriculum should maintain a grade of at least 2.0 (85-87) in any professional courses (NCM) and major subjects. For those who are in the third and fourth-year level, there should be no grade below 2.5.

2. To qualify for the second year, one must have a cumulative grade of 2.0 (85 – 87) from the aforementioned category. Otherwise, a student will be advised to shift to another program outside the BSN program.

3. For grades on professional courses (NCM) and major subjects, any first-year and second-year BSN student shall be subjected to:

  • A warning – if a grade below 2.25 is obtained in one (1) professional course or major subject; and
    • An advice to shift to another program outside the BSN program – if a grade below 2.25 is obtained in two or more professional courses and major subjects
  • The third and fourth-year students have immunity to provision number three.
  • If a student obtains a final grade of FW (failure due to withdrawal without permission) or FA (failure due to excess absences) in any of the professional courses   subject, he/she will be advised to shift to another program.
  • If a student earns a grade of 5.0 in any of the subjects, he/she will be given a warning. If the student fails again, he/she will be advised to shift to another program.
  • A grade of NC will be complied with within three weeks after the schedule of the submission of the grades. Otherwise, the student has to retake the subject. For a professional course and a major subject, he/she shall retake the course only once.

C. Physically and Medically Fit

1. A medical clearance shall be undertaken by each student as a pre-requisite prior to take the BSN program.

2. In addition, all incoming first year students for the Academic Year shall undergo a General Check-up similar to Medical Examination. The purpose of which is to determine at the earliest possible time any medical conditions that would be detrimental during hospital and community exposure employment process. To lessen expenses, the school doctor can be commissioned to facilitate the said medical examination, however, the student is given the option to choose their physician to this effect. In all cases, a medical evaluation report and certification are required before enrollment, should there be any unfavorable medical condition discovered; the student is given precautionary measures upon enrolling in the course.

3. All Incoming second year students who will be  exposed to the Delivery room will undergo laboratory examinations such as CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis and Chest X-Ray (good for six months validity), HEPA B full vaccination certificate. For non-vaccinated students, they should undergo the vaccination process prior to exposure. This is to ensure the health status of the students and to be protected from any form of disease transmission. Should there be any unfavorable laboratory results discovered; the student is given precautionary measures from the school physician prior to exposure.

4. Policies and guidelines for Related Learning Experience (RLE), Skills laboratory, community and hospital exposures is reflected on a separate manual and shall be discussed during the orientation upon the opening of the academic year. Upon admission to the program, each student shall be given a copy of the manual and to affix their signature.

Research and Community Engagement

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1. Research Centers: List of research centers affiliated with the college, including their focus areas and projects

2. Community Outreach: Description of community outreach programs and partnerships, including collaborations with local healthcare organizations

3. Publications and Presentations: List of publications and presentations by faculty and staff members

Student Life

  1. Student Organizations: List of student organizations affiliated with the college, including their mission and activities

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  • Student Resources: List of resources available to students, including academic support services, counseling, and career guidance

All available resources offered by the institution.

  1. Contact Information: Contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical address


  • Social Media Links: Links to the college’s social media profiles

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